(+ Cremation) workshop
Paleoradiology workshop will bring closer radiological methods to (bio) archaelogists and anthropologists. The participants will be able to bring their own material to scan it during the workshop and to learn basic information on the use of X-ray, mobile X-ray, CT, micro CT and postprocessing with “hands-on“ approach during 3 days of the workshop in clinical and field settings.
It is possible to combine Paleoradiology and Cremation workshop. Participants will learn to analyse cremated human remains, applying archaeological, anthropological, and paleoradiological methodology.
1st-3rd (4th) December 2022

After careful consideration and comprehensive evaluation of currently available information, related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we hope that this year workshop will be held presentially on site as it was in 2021-- in the University Hospital Centre Zagreb (with EU digital COVID certificate). In case of the new disease outbreak workshop will be held online.

Nataša Šarkić [email protected]
Whatsapp +34605181420
Mislav Čavka [email protected]
Whatsapp +38598446729
Price for Paleoradiology worshop: 350 €
Paleoradiology + CREMATION workshop: 500€
University Hospital Centre Zagreb, University of Zagreb
Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zuerich
University of Trieste
University Hospital Centre Toulouse
University of Zagreb
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
University of Split
Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zuerich
Harvard Medical School

Katherine Van Schaik
Current Position
• Clinical Fellow at Harvard Medical School and PGY-4 Resident in Diagnostic Radiology at Beth Israel, Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
• Postdoctoral Research Affiliate, Initiative for the Science of the Human Past at Harvard
Previous Positions, Education, and Academic Awards
2018–19 Medical/Surgical Intern, Signature Healthcare Brockton Hospital (Harvard affiliate), Brockton, MA
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard Program in Science, Religion, and Culture
2018 PhD in Ancient History, Harvard Department of the Classics
Dissertation Title: Medical decision making in Greco-Roman antiquity
2018 MD with Honors, Harvard Medical School
Honors Thesis Title: “Methodological comparison in analysis of lesion burden and aging in human remains from past populations”
Harvard Cabot History of Medicine Prize awarded for outstanding contributions to the field
2008 A.B. in Classics Summa cum Laude

Nataša Šarkić
Nataša holds PhD and Master degree in physical anthropology, she graduated archaeology. She has broad experience in field and laboratory. One of the founders of the Association for Anthropological and Paleopathological Studies “OSTEO Research”, dedicated to research and education. As a part of this association, she is in charge of organizing and teaching both practical courses (field school), and theoretical and online courses in the field of Physical Anthropology / Bioarchaeology, Paleopathology, Funeral Archeology, Bioracheology of Children... Up to now, Nataša conducted dozens of anthropological analysis of skeletal collections (inhumations, cremations, mummifications and ossuaries) of various chronology (from Palaeolithic period to Spanish Civil War), from different regions (Egypt, Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Croatia and Palestine) and contexts. She attended many national and international congresses, participating in the organization of several congresses and workshops and published various articles in peer-reviewed journals. Capacity in which known: Physical/Biological Anthropology, Bioarchaeology, Paleopathology, Funerary Anthropology, Skeletal Biology, Monastic Studies, Archaeology.

Igor Erjavec
Igor graduated molecular biology at Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia. In 2014 he earned PhD at School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. Up to now, he has published 25 papers in peer review journals. In 2012 he was awarded „New investigator award“ by European Mineralized Tissue Society (ECTS). In 2017-2018 he attended postdoc fellowship at Center of Excelence for Metabolomics and Bioanalysis (CEMBIO), CEU San Pablo University, Madrid. His scientific interest in paleoradiology is micro CT.

Frank Rühli
Frank, currently Dean of Medical Faculty, University of Zürich, studied Medicine at the University of Zürich. After graduation in 1997, he worked as an assistant at the Institute of Diagnostic Radiology, University-Hospital Zürich. In 2000 he was awarded an International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to undertake a PhD at the Biological Anthropology and Comparative Anatomy Research Unit, Anatomical Sciences, University of Adelaide (Australia), where in 2002/03 he held a full-time lectureship.
He worked as an assistant, senior assistant and associate professor at the Institute of Anatomy / University of Zürich from 2003-2014. In 2007 he finished his habilitation (“DSc”) in the field of anatomy/histology. Between 2010 and 2014 he was Head of the Center of Evolutionary Medicine (ZEM) at the University of Zürich and was appointed Director of the newly established Institute of Evolutionary Medicine (IEM) in 2014. In 2018 he received a diploma as an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) at the University of Zürich.
Frank Rühli gained teaching and course coordinator experience in gross anatomy, histology, paleopathology, biomedical imaging and biological anthropology at multiple universities. He is Associate Editor, Editor and Editor-in-Chief of seven peer-reviewed journals.

Patrick Eppenberger
EDUCATION: 2012 (January) Medical Doctor, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Head a. i. Paleopathology and Mummy Studies Group, Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zürich, Switzerland, since 2019
Research Fellow, Paleopathology and Mummy Studies Group, Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zürich, Switzerland, 2016 – 2019
Deputy Consultant Physician, IKP Institut für Körperzentrierte Psychotherapie, Zürich, Switzerland, 2014 – 2016
Resident Physician, Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Zürich, Switzerland 2012 – 2014
Resident Physician, Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland, 2012
Resident Physician, Institute of Anatomy, University of Zürich, Switzerland 2011
Medical Internships (Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Radiology, Pathology, Traumatology), 2009 – 2010
Head a. i. Paleopathology and Mummy Studies Group, Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zürich, Switzerland, since 2019
Research Fellow, Paleopathology and Mummy Studies Group, Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zürich, Switzerland, 2016 – 2019

Fabio Cavalli
Fabio graduated in Medicine and Surgery at University of Siena in 1978 and postgraduated in General Radiology in 1982. In 1988 co-founded the Academy of Medieval Studies “Jaufré Rudel” in Gradisca d’Isonzo and he is it’s actual President and Director of Research group of History of Medicine and Bioarchaeology. He is co-founder and Associate of the International Association of Mithologic Studies and member of International Association of Greek and Latin Scientific Lexicography (IALS). From 1999 he teaches “History of Medicine” and from 2015 “Forensic Anthropology and Radiology” at University of Trieste. In the years 2017 and 2018 teached “Facial Reconstruction in mummiology”, Specialization course of Mummiology, University of Pisa.
He is consultant anthropologist for the Department of National Heritage and Cultural Activities, Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia and for the Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije and he is a collaborator of Forensic Institute of University of Trieste and off Court of Trieste as Forensic Radiologist and in the field of Facial Approximation and Craniofacial Superimposition.